Trans News

16th July 2024 – Improving Maternity & Gynaecological Services For Trans+ and Non-Binary People

NHS Cheshire & Merseyside is looking for people to join a ‘Lived Experience Panel’ to improve maternity and gynaecology services as part of the ‘Women’s Hospital Services in Liverpool’ programme. These are not just services delivered by Liverpool Women’s Hospital but also include services at The Royal, Aintree, Broadgreen and Clatterbridge Cancer Centre. Crucially, these services do not only affect cis women or patients who identify as women – despite the obviously very gendered language involved – and it’s therefore important that all trans and non-binary people have the opportunity to be part based on their lived experience. If you would like to join the Lived Experience Panel, please read the information below:

Who can apply?
 Anyone who has some lived experience of using hospital gynaecology and/or maternity services in Liverpool – either as a patient, partner, carer or family member of someone who is or was a patient.

What level of involvement is required? 
We’re looking for people who can commit up to half a day a month to take part in group discussions (face-to-face or online) and share their experiences/views with us. The commitment is likely to be for a 4-6 month period depending on how the programme progresses. Membership of the panel will be managed on a voluntary basis under NHS Cheshire and Merseyside’s public involvement policy. Although unpaid, they will be able to claim back any expenses incurred – for example, parking or travel. 

Expressions of interest    
To express an interest, individuals can fill out this short online Application Form: We are also very happy to arrange a short informal chat with one of our team over the phone or online (via MS Teams) if people would like to find out a bit more about what is involved. Please get in touch with:
Anna Kettle [email protected] / 07843 081 227 or
Emma Hurst [email protected]  / 07775 411 651″

Out of The Shadows, Into The Light, May 10th 2024

Spirit Level has been awarded £17,000 by Awards For All for an 18 month project to reach out to, engage with and help older trans people, those who are marginalised, trans people of colour and so on. It has a serious side, will focus on personal development and capacity building and we’ll need the help of the community to deliver it. Interested in getting involved? If you are, email Kate Sanders, Chair of Spirit Level, [email protected]

Improving Healthcare For Trans People In Hospitals, May 10th 2024

Spirit Level is working with Healthwatch Liverpool to engage with The Women’s Hospital and The Royal to understand what trans patients can expect, increase understanding of the trans condition and our rights as patients and improve treatment and health outcomes. We’re taking part in roundtables at the hospitals on 29th May and 27th June. The hospitals are keen to hear from people with recent experience of being in hospital (as an inpatient or out-patient) so if you have something to say, please get in touch. There’s a £15 gift voucher in it as well. Email Kate Sanders, Chair of Spirit Level, [email protected]

Trans Town Hall, May 4th 2024

Spirit Level organised its first Trans Town Hall in Lovelock’s on May 4th. There were about 30 of us present, discussing topics such as Hate Crime, Resistance, Trans Healthcare and TDoV 2025. Everyone had a good time and agreed there should be more to follow. The suggestion is for one in September, focussing on Neighbourhood & Community Policing, Driving Down Hate Crime, Increasing Prosecutions For Hate Crime and Hate Speech and Trans People and The Justice System. So watch this space for details