Trans Health

Ongoing Health Engagement

Spirit Level is continuing its health engagement work by delivering a ‘Trans 101’ talk on 20th February 2025 to around 40 clinical and non-clinical staff employed by iGPC, a primary care network of seven east Liverpool GP practices. The network is keen to be more trans-aware and -friendly and the talk was well received. We gave out around 20 copies of the Spirit Level primary care manual on gender-affirming healthcare and the whole event went very well.

Pride In Recovery

Sahir House, Liverpool’s LGBTQ+ charity, has organised a series of monthly events for people experiencing or recovering from substance misuse. There are safe spaces to get advice, information and support, they are free to attend, you just need to book on through Eventbrite.

Additional Support For Those Coping With Substance Misuse

As well as getting advice and support from Sahir House, you an also access between 6-12 counselling sessions from LGBT Foundation using the self-Referral Form below. LGBT Foundation offers a recovery program of 1-2-1 or remote advice sessions to work on goal setting, managing triggers, cravings, changing thoughts, feelings and behaviours, impact of identity, harm reduction, relapse prevention, holistic wellbeing support, life balance and sign posting. The Foundation also offers group support which can be done online and face to face, plus mutual aid, peer support and SMART Recovery workshops.

Trans* And Experiencing Domestic Abuse

If you are experiencing domestic abuse, you can self-refer to a new service being offered in Liverpool by the LGBT Foundation. You can get access to advice and counselling simply by filling in the self-referral form or a service you use could do it for you by completing the service-to-service referral form.

Primary Care Briefing Manual, June 2024

Spirit Level has developed a training manual about trans health care for clinical and non-clinical staff working in doctor’s surgeries (primary care). We’ll be sending it out to all doctor’s surgeries in Liverpool soon. If you would like a pdf to print or send to your doctor let me know, [email protected]