Prose Purple Writing Competition 2024

Rules of Entry

  1. The competition is open to residents of the United Kingdom only. Entrants can be TQIA+ or Non-TQIA+ and the identity of all entrants will be anonymised before judging;
  2. All submissions must feature either:
    a) Transgender* characters; and/or
    b) Transgender or gender identity themes or issues; and/or
    c) Settings involving transgender characters e.g. a drag cabaret, gay nightclub etc and its storyline or theme must be about either:

a) Death, dying or suicide
b) Remorse or grief
c) The forced or inflicted death or denial of self and/or identity
d) The impact of or coping with hate crime

  1. Your submission must be original, can have been previously published and you must hold the copyright to the submission
  2. Your submission must be in English and submitted as a .doc, .docx, .odt or .rtf document
  3. By making a submission, you retain the copyright but give permission to the organisers of the competition to publish your submission during the duration of the competition and to make use of it in readings and for publicity and educational purposes afterwards. In addition, a short-run anthology will be published in November 2024 and by entering you give permission for your entry to be included in the anthology.
  4. There are three categories for submissions

a) Poetry – a poem in any form of not more than 30 lines or 300 words
b) Flash Fiction – prose of not more than 500 words
c) Short Story – prose of not more that 3000 words

  1. Submissions should be sent by email to: [email protected] by not later than 27th September 2024.
  1. A prize of £40 will be awarded to the submission judged best in each category by the competition organisers and a runners-up prize of £20 in each category.
  2. The competition organisers may request entrants to take part in in-person or on-line discussions of their work or to deliver readings in-person or remotely and for these contributions to be recorded.
  3. The decision of the judges will be final
  • By ‘transgender’ we mean people whose gender identity is on the TQIA+ part of the LGBTQIA+ spectrum i.e. transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, androgyne, gender-fluid and/or non-binary people and the various subgroups within these categories, including crossdressers and drag kings/queens. We take the widest possible interpretation of the word ‘transgender’ so long as your submission is primarily about identity and not sexuality