
Welcome to Spirit Level Transgender Support Group, Liverpool. We are primarily a support group offering a place to meet, socialise and get support, advice and information. But we are also a campaigning group working for a better world for transgender and non-binary people. If you would like to know more before attending, please email spiritlevelliverpool@gmail.com.

Our members can provide information about being transgender, transitioning (physically or socially), we organise group discussions and invite the occasional guest speaker. We also offer advocacy support if you are having problems with GPs, the GIC, housing or other public institutions.

Spirit Level meets on the 2nd Wednesday each month in The Sunny Room, 4th Floor LCVS Building, 151 Dale Street, Liverpool from 7pm – 8.45pm. Subsequent meetings will be June 5th, July 10th, August 14th and September 11th. There’s usually tea and biscuits and a place to change if you need to. We also hold a transfemme meetup in a city centre coffee shop on a Sunday afternoon to chat and socialise. We have a Facebook page (look for Spirit-Level Transgender Support Group) or email spiritlevelliverpool@gmail.com

If you want to get connected and involved, why not visit the Trans Liverpool wiki pages (where there is a ton of information and news about trans life).

A Note About Our Meetings: Spirit Level is a peer-to-peer support group and our discussions are entirely trans led. What we discuss can sometimes be personal, sensitive and difficult, focussing on body, mind and identity. For that reason our meetings are only open to trans people over 18 and/or legally an adult. By attending you give explicit consent to participation in our meetings on the basis stated above. If you have triggers or find discussion of some topics difficult, please talk to the meeting facilitator on the night or beforehand. We also sometimes conduct facilitated discussions on particular topics and have the occasional guest speaker. If you are under 18, you will find a warm welcome with the Young Person’s Advisory Service and their GYRO group.

This website was funded by the LGBT+ Futures: Equity Fund, itself funded by the National Lottery Community Fund and thanks to National Lottery players. LGBT+ Futures: Equity Fund is a two-year £786,000 partnership between Consortium and The National Lottery Community Fund designed to help community-led and grassroot organisations supporting some of the most under-represented and marginalised LGBT+ communities.